Hi Martin,

AFAIK all of this can be done, yes. However, it’s a bit hacky and will be much easier in the not yet published 2.21.0 which will have improved ottava brackets.

Am 28.11.19 um 10:36 schrieb Martin Tarenskeen:
- 8va above the staff with the "va" superscripted like in the attached png, and the dotted extenderline vertically aligned with the superscripted "va", or the top of the "8" or the superscripted "va".

The vertical alignment is probably the most tricky part. I’m not sure whether this can be done without a hacky \markup \translate in 2.19.83 which doesn’t work well with collision detection …

I mostly use the traditional 8va below the staff in pianomusic instead of more modern 8vb. (Which I don't like - personal taste I guess. You may call me oldfashioned)

The new default will be numbers only (#ottavation-numbers) with a simple option to use super-/subscript "8va" with a both for alta and bassa:

        \set ottavationMarkups = #ottavation-ordinals

I don’t know when 2.21.0 will be released. IIRC there have been some good ottava hacks for older versions on this list.


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