Robin Bannister <> writes:

> The non-mapping cases
>    \markup \box \concat { "X" "Y" "Z" }
> and
>    #(markup #:box #:concat ("X" "Y" "Z"))
> give one box without complaints
> The mapping case
>    \markup \concat \box { "X" "Y" "Z" }
> gives 3 boxes without complaint, but
>    #(markup #:concat #:box ("X" "Y" "Z"))
> is errored.
> Reformulating it as
>    #(markup (make-concat-markup (make-box-markup ("X" "Y" "Z"))))
> is also errored.
> And here I get stuck, just like the markup-list does.

What's wrong with using #{...#} ?  Seriously.

You could use

$(make-concat-markup (map make-box-markup '("X" "Y" "Z")))

if you insist on avoiding #{...#} but why bother?

David Kastrup

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