Am Sonntag, den 29.12.2019, 10:44 -0500 schrieb Freeman Gilmore:
> In Frescobaldi is there a quick key that can be used in place of
> the Lily button?   

There are a number of preset shortcuts to trigger LilyPond

* Ctrl+M
  Regular compilation *with* point-and-click
* Ctrl+P
  "Publish" compilation without point-and-click
* Ctrl+Shift+M
  Open the custom compilation dialog

> And one that will also clear the Music View or better one that would
> do both?    The problem is that the old view may not be updated when
> you compile something that doe not show an error message.  

This is intended behaviour since usually you'd want to still see the
score when compilation has failed.

> I would like a quick way to clear the Music View.

That sounds like a reasonable feature request.
Added as


> Thank you,
> ƒg

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