"Mark Stephen Mrotek" <carsonm...@ca.rr.com> writes:

> Hello to All
> Please provide some suggestions/alternatives for the positioning of the
> first note of the middle voice.
> Thank you and Happy New Year!
> Mark
> \version "2.19.83"
> \relative c' {
>  <<{c'2~ c8. dis16 e8. c16 | b2~ b8. dis16 e8. b16 |
>        a2~ a8. b16 c8. a16}\\
>       {e2 fis | dis e | cis dis}\\
>       {\stemDown
>         b'8. b16 a8. gis16 a2~ | a8. a16 g8. fis16 g2~ |
>        g8. g16 fis8. e16 fis2}>>
> }

Never use \stemDown in input rather than definitions.  It is a component
in defining a particular voice, but you are missing other components.
I'd do this in the following way:

\version "2.19.83"


\relative c' {

  \voices 1,2,4
 <<{c'2~ c8. dis16 e8. c16 | b2~ b8. dis16 e8. b16 |

       a2~ a8. b16 c8. a16}\\

      {e2 fis | dis e | cis dis}\\


        b'8. b16 a8. gis16 a2~ | a8. a16 g8. fis16 g2~ |

       g8. g16 fis8. e16 fis2}>>


David Kastrup

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