Am Di., 7. Jan. 2020 um 22:44 Uhr schrieb Knute Snortum <>:
> One way would be to use another voice for the dynamics:
> %%%
> \version "2.19"
> \language "english"
> \score {
>    <<
>      \new Staff {
>        << { c'2 a2 c'2 f'2 } \\ { s2^\< s2 s2^\mf\> s4 s4^\p } >>
>        << { c'2 a2 c'2 f'2 } \\ { s2^\< s2 s2^\mf\> s4 s4^\p } >>
>      }
>      \new Staff {
>        a2^\< f2 a2^\mf^\> c'4( bf) ^\p
>        a2^\< f2 a2^\mf^\> c'4( bf)^\p
>      }
>      \addlyrics {
>        Al -- le -- lu -- ia
>        Al -- le -- lu -- ia
>      }
>    >>
> }
> %%%
> ---
> Knute Snortum
> (via Gmail)
> On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 12:53 PM Guy Stalnaker <> wrote:
> >
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> > I've written a choral work. There are some places in the score where I
> > have a four-voice choir singing Alleluia on successive half notes. I've
> > notated a crescendo hairpin to \mf followed by a decrescendo hairpin to
> > \p on the final half note. Some times LP engraves the score such that
> > the decrescendo hairpin is clearly visible, but other times the spacing
> > between the 3rd and 4th half notes is so minimal that that hairpin is,
> > well, useless as a visual symbol.
> >
> > This MWE shows what I mean. The dynamics for the upper voice show the
> > barely visible decrescendo hairpin while the one for the lower voice is
> > what's desired.
> >
> > Ideally I simply (!) need to move/shift the upper voice \p and hairpin
> > end one quarter note to the right. Yet how to do that?
> >
> > %% MWE
> > \version "2.19"
> > \language "english"
> > \score {
> >    <<
> >      \new Staff {
> >        c'2^\< a2 c'2^\mf^\> f'2^\p
> >        c'2^\< a2 c'2^\mf^\> f'2^\p
> >      }
> >      \new Staff {
> >        a2^\< f2 a2^\mf^\> c'4( bf) ^\p
> >        a2^\< f2 a2^\mf^\> c'4( bf)^\p
> >      }
> >      \addlyrics {
> >        Al -- le -- lu -- ia
> >        Al -- le -- lu -- ia
> >      }
> >    >>
> > }
> > %%


\language "english"

\score {
     \new Staff {
       c'2^\< a2 c'2^\mf^\> <<f'2 { s4 s4^\p }>>
       c'2^\< a2 c'2^\mf^\> <<f'2 { s4 s4^\p }>>
     \new Staff {
       a2^\< f2 a2^\mf^\> c'4( bf) ^\p
       a2^\< f2 a2^\mf^\> c'4( bf)^\p
     \addlyrics {
       Al -- le -- lu -- ia
       Al -- le -- lu -- ia


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