
>From what I see, Y-offset gives weird results on a TupletBracket

fakeRulerUp = { \once \hide NoteHead \once \hide Stem c'''''}
  %doesn't do anything
  \override TupletBracket.Y-offset = 5
  \tuplet 3/2 { c' c' c' } \fakeRulerUp

 % not only the middle line of the staff is ignored; it wants a negative
  \override TupletBracket.Y-offset = -5
  \tuplet 3/2 { c' c' c' } \fakeRulerUp

Has this been fixed in recent versions?
Note that the same bracket has other issues with other avoid-collisions
properties (as I explained in the other threads). Then, the only stable
property for it seems extra-offset.

Then I ask again: is there a way to fake it with a horizontal bracket? It
would be *really* very useful...

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