On 2020-01-25 12:05 pm, David Kastrup wrote:
Aaron Hill <lilyp...@hillvisions.com> writes:

On 2020-01-25 11:40 am, David Kastrup wrote:
Aaron Hill <lilyp...@hillvisions.com> writes:
I am unaware of any simpler approach, as it is my understanding that
grobs do not persist the entire context within which they were
How would they then make it to the page?  Suicided grobs have their
properties deleted prematurely, but those are not the rule.

Mind you, I would love to be shown that I am incorrect.
This is Scheme anyway.  In general, objects persist as long as you
able to reference them.

Wait, do grobs have a reference to the context?

No, or this would cause the contexts to persist until the end of typesetting.

I know you can use \applyOutput to process grobs at a given moment in
time, and that provides you access to both the grobs and the context.
And my snippet showed using an engraver to achieve something similar.
But within, say, a stencil procedure, it seems like you only have the
grob to work with.  Is there some ly:grob-context method that I have
been overlooking?

You wrote "it is my understanding that grobs do not persist the entire
context within which they were created".  "persist" is an intransitive
verb, so your statement was about the duration of grobs, not of

Wiktionary disagrees. The fourth definition is computing-specific and allows "persist" to be transitive: "to *cause* to be persisted, made permanent" (emphasis mine).

But who cares what some crowd-sourced site says. If you prefer "persist" only to be intransitive, then we need another verb or phrasing. How about: "Grobs do not maintain their own copy nor reference to the context in which they were created." Is that an accurate statement?

-- Aaron Hill

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