On Tue 04 Feb 2020 at 10:44:56 (+0000), Mark Knoop wrote:
> At 10:25 on 04 Feb 2020, Anthony Rushforth wrote:
> >
> > I use this command line to generate png files :
> > lilypond  -dbackend=eps -dno-gs-load-fonts -dinclude-eps-fonts
> > -dpixmap-format=pngalpha -dresolution=100 --png c1c1e1g1.ly
> >
> > I took the command line from
> > http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/usage-big-page#lilypond-output-in-other-programs
> >
> > It generates these files :
> > c1c1e1g1-1.eps
> > c1c1e1g1-systems.count
> > c1c1e1g1-systems.tex
> > c1c1e1g1-systems.texi
> > c1c1e1g1.eps
> >
> > Is it possible to avoid these files or put them in another location ?
> -dno-aux-files will get rid of most, although not the ...-1.eps file.

I prefer to generate such files and "trash" them at the end of a
successful run (by moving them to a directory under /tmp).
I don't know what system you're using, but it's straightforward in
linux to write a script to run LP that does this for you, and saves
you a lot of typing in the command line.

Not using PNG files, I don't have your particular problem, but my
script tees the console output into a .log file. If the file contains
the string "ERROR", the .log file is renamed .error and kept, whereas
otherwise the .log file is "trashed".

An example where I do have your problem is with pdflatex, which not
only writes .aux and .log files, but leaves them world-writeable.
(Maybe it's been fixed—I don't bother checking.) Here, it's
important not to actually delete the .aux file, because it's required
for final production of documents that have TOCs or forward references
etc, but it's not needed in 99% of my pdflatex runs.


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