> I had trouble finding anything in the list archives that helped and I 
> have read (I think) every piece of documentation on inserting lyrics 
> that is on the website.

I know the feeling, and still, it is there somewhere.

> My song compiles fine without errors (now). But I get no lyrics in the 
> .ps or .pdf file
> I am using version 2.2.6.
> Following is my source file. I realize there may be some major problems 
> with it. That comes from trying every example that I can to get 
> something that works.
> Thanks for your help.
> dpeach
> % Generated automatically by: lilypond-book.py
> %{ options are intertext="with the following output:" relative 1 
> singleline verbatim %}
 1> \paper  {
 2>    indent = 0.0\mm
 3> }
 5> \score {
 6>    \notes
 7>    \relative c' {
 8>    \time 4/4
 9>    \clef treble
10>    c8[ e] a[ b] ~ b a4 a8
11>    c,[ e] a[ b] ~ b a4.
12>    \tupletUp \times 2/3 {r4 d d} d c8[ b]
13>    a[ a] fis[ g] ~ g4 r4
14>    r e8[ e] e[ e] b'[ c]
15>    b4 a r r8 a
16>    a8[ a] r4 a8[ b] a[ a]
17>    a8[ gis] fis[ gis] gis4 r
18>    r1
19>    c8[ e] a[ b] b a4 a8
20>    c,[ e] a[ b] b a4.
21>    \tupletUp \times 2/3 {r4 d d} d c8[ b]
22>    a[ a] fis[ g] g4 r4
23>    r e8[ e] e[ e] b'[ c]
24>    b[ a] b[ a] r2
25>    r8 a a[ a] a4 b8[ a]
26>    a8[ gis] fis[ gis] gis4 r
28>    \lyricsto "" \new Lyrics \lyrics {
29>    So8 -- plan los vien4 -- tos, las8
30>    hue -- llas se pier4 -- den,4.
31>    Solo4 hay mon -- tes4 con
32>    su8 so -- le dad4
33>    }
35>    }
36>    \paper { }
37> }

I don't remeber the 2.2.x syntax, but I think it is very like
2.4.x syntax.

1, the \notes section ends whith the } at line 35, move it to before the 
2, if you are using \lyricsto, I think the durations in the lyrics will be 
   i.e. "So8" could just as well be written "So"
3, you basically want two paralell rows, one for the notes and one for the 
   so try something like:

\score {
    \notes \relative c' { ... }
% possible \\ here?
    \lyricsto ...
 \paper { }

   If you do longer pieces with lots of voices, I think you have to use
   \new Staff and company.

In 2.4.2 I do:

%% so I easily can change clefs
clefva = { \clef treble }
clefvb = { \clef treble }
clefvc = { \clef alto }
clefvd = { \clef bass }

%% move all music and lyric to variables, like tt = { }, use it later as \tt

% Sourceress, Mezzo-soprano
soAR = \relative g' {
\time 4/4
\mark #18
\set Score.currentBarNumber = #1
 R1*3 |
 r2 r8 g g g |
 g g g a bes4. bes8 |
 c c c d bes4. a8 |
 a4 r8 a d8. d16 d4~ |
 d8 d d cis d2 | 
 R1*6 |
 r2 r8 f, f f |
 bes4 r8 bes bes a bes4~ |
 bes8 bes bes bes a a a8. bes16 |
 c4 r8 c c c c d |
 es4( d8.) es16 d4. c8 |
 bes8( a g8.) f16 g8. c,16 c'4~ |
 c8 a d8. g,16 g4. f8 \bar "||" |
lsoAR = \lyricmode {
 The Tro -- jan Prince you know is bound By Fate to seek I -- tal -- ian ground;
 The Queen and he are now in chase,
 But when they've done, my trus -- ty elf, In form of Mer -- cu -- ry him -- 
 As sent from Jove, shall chide his stay,
 And charge him sail to -- night with all his fleet a -- way!

% Violin I
vaAR = \relative c'' {
\time 4/4
\mark #18
\set Score.currentBarNumber = #1
 R1*3 |
 r2 e,~ | e4. fis8 g2 |
 a4. bes8  g4. fis8 |
 fis4. fis8  a4. a8 |
 g2 fis |
 \times 2/3 { d'8 d d } \times 2/3 { fis fis fis } \times 2/3 { a a a } \times 
2/3 { fis fis fis } |
 d4 r \times 2/3 { d8 d d } \times 2/3 { fis fis fis } |
 \times 2/3 { a a a } \times 2/3 { fis fis fis } d4 r |
 R1 |
 r2 \times 2/3 { d8 d d } \times 2/3 { fis fis fis } |
 \times 2/3 { a a a } \times 2/3 { fis fis fis } \times 2/3 { d d d } \times 
2/3 { a a a } |
 d4 r f,4. f8 |
 f2.. f8 |
 f2.. g8 |
 a2.. a8 |
 a2 bes4. a8 |
 g4 f e a |
 f2. e4 \bar "||" |
% Violin II
vbAR = \relative g' {
\time 4/4
\mark #18
\set Score.currentBarNumber = #1
 R1*3 |
 r2 c,~ |
 c4. c8 d2 |
 es d |
 d4. d8 fis4. fis8 |
 e2 d |
 \times 2/3 { a'8 a a } \times 2/3 { d d d } \times 2/3 { fis fis fis } \times 
2/3 { d d d } |
 a4 r \times 2/3 { a8 a a } \times 2/3 { d d d } |
 \times 2/3 { fis8 fis fis } \times 2/3 { d d d } a4 r |
 R1 |
 r2 \times 2/3 { a8 a a } \times 2/3 { d d d } |
 \times 2/3 { fis8 fis fis } \times 2/3 { d d d } \times 2/3 { a a a } \times 
2/3 { fis fis fis } |
 a4 r d,4. d8 |
 d2.. d8 |
 d2.. d8 |
 c2 f4. f8 |
 f2 f4. f8 |
 d2 c4. f8 |
 d2 c4. c8 \bar "||" |
% Viola
vcAR = \relative c'  {
\time 4/4
\mark #18
\set Score.currentBarNumber = #1
 R1*3 |
 r2 g~ |
 g4. g8 g4. g8 |
 fis2 g |
 a2.. a8 |
 a1 |
 \times 2/3 { fis'8 fis fis } \times 2/3 { a a a } \times 2/3 { d d d } \times 
2/3 { a a a } |
 fis4 r \times 2/3 { fis8 fis fis } \times 2/3 { a a a } |
 \times 2/3 { d8 d d } \times 2/3 { a a a } fis4 r |
 R1 |
 r2 \times 2/3 { fis8 fis fis } \times 2/3 { a a a } |
 \times 2/3 { d8 d d } \times 2/3 { a a a } \times 2/3 { fis fis fis } \times 
2/3 { d d d } |
 fis4 r bes,4. bes8 |
 bes2.. bes8 |
 bes2.. bes8 |
 a2 c4. c8 |
 c2 d |
 g,8 a bes a g4 r8 c |
 a4 bes bes4. a8 \bar "||" |
% Violoncello, Basso Continue, Harpsichord
vdAR = \relative f   {
\time 4/4
\mark #18
\set Score.currentBarNumber = #1
 f1 |
 bes, |
 bes2 e,4 f |
 c'1~ |
 c2 g |
 g1 |
 d'~ |
 d |
 d,2 d |
 d1~ |
 d |
 d~ |
 d~ |
 d~ |
 d4 d'8 c bes2~ |
 bes1~ |
 bes |
 f~ |
 f2 bes |
 bes2. a4 |
 d bes c2 \bar "||" |
fbAR = \figuremode {

\score {
 \header { piece = "scene II" }
     % For the soloists:
     \new ChoirStaff <<

       \new Staff \context Voice = vsoAR {
         % the two lines below are optional
         \set Staff.instrument = \markup { "Sorceress"    }
         \set Staff.instr = \markup { "So"    }
         { \key f \major \clef treble \soAR }
       % note the name "vsoAR" below have to match the \context Voice = "..."
       \new Lyrics \lyricsto vsoAR \lsoAR

       % First witch
       % ...

     % For the choir
     \new ChoirStaff <<

       % \new Staff... as above


    % For the instruments
    \new GrandStaff <<
      \new Staff {
        \set Staff.instrument = \markup { "Violin I"       }
        \set Staff.instr = \markup { "V1"       }
        { \key f \major \clefva \vaAR }
      \new Staff {
        \set Staff.instrument = \markup { "Violin II"      }
        \set Staff.instr = \markup { "V2"      }
        { \key f \major \clefvb \vbAR }
      \new Staff {
        \set Staff.instrument = \markup { "Viola"          }
        \set Staff.instr = \markup { "Va"          }
        { \key f \major \clefvc \vcAR }
      \new Staff {
        \set Staff.instrument = \markup { "Basso Continue" }
        \set Staff.instr = \markup { "BC" }
        { \key f \major \clefvd \vdAR }
      \context FiguredBass \fbAR

     \layout {
       % I don't want rows with only rests (R1*...) in them:
       \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext }



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