Am So., 9. Feb. 2020 um 15:02 Uhr schrieb Freeman Gilmore
> This is taken from the "Scheme Book".
> Question why double parenthesis  for  let ((rand (random 100))) ?
> Thank you, ƒg

Well, every expression needs to be wrapped into parenthesis.

One pair for the let-expression:
(let ...)

One pair for all local-bindings:
(let (all-local-bindings) ...)

One pair for each single local binding, note every local binding is of
type key-value:
(let (  (key1 value1) (key2 value2) ) ...)

Every value my be a procedure call, with the need for another pair of
(let ( (key1 (proc1 args1)) (key2 (proc2 args2)) ) ...)

Proper indentation increases readability:
(let (
      (key1 (proc1 args1))
      (key2 (proc2 args2))


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