
Am 08.04.20 um 14:38 schrieb Werner LEMBERG:
>> A combination of makam.ly and this definitions.ily should be easy to
>> do.  But as Werner said, having them in the Emmentaler font (one way
>> or the other) would be better.
> Well, here's the question: Shall we add such glyphs at all?

Of course. My wording was wrong here.

I made a small ly-file just to show how the accidentals with numbers
(using the finger style) look like. It is in no way connected to tuning,
it is just a display for further discussions about the optics.

\version "2.20.0"

flatOne = \markup \concat { \flat  \hspace # -0.55 \raise #1 \finger \fontsize #-2 "1" }
flatTwo = \markup \concat { \flat  \hspace # -0.55 \raise #1 \finger  \fontsize #-2 "2" }
flatThree = \markup \concat { \flat  \hspace # -0.55 \raise #1 \finger  \fontsize #-2 "3" }
flatFour = \markup \concat { \flat  \hspace # -0.55 \raise #1 \finger  \fontsize #-2 "4" }
sharpOne = \markup \concat { \sharp  \hspace # -0.7 \raise #1.5 \finger  \fontsize #-2 "1" }
sharpTwo = \markup \concat { \sharp  \hspace # -0.7 \raise #1.5 \finger  \fontsize #-2 "2" }
sharpThree = \markup \concat { \sharp  \hspace # -0.7 \raise #1.5 \finger  \fontsize #-2 "3" }

\markup { \flatOne \flatTwo \flatThree \flatFour \sharpOne \sharpTwo \sharpThree }

#(define (turkish-flatone grob)
         (grob-interpret-markup grob #{ \markup \flatOne  #}))

#(define (turkish-sharptwo grob)
         (grob-interpret-markup grob #{ \markup \sharpTwo  #}))

  \override Staff.Accidental.stencil = #turkish-flatone
  \override Staff.Accidental.stencil = #turkish-sharptwo

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