> [...]. That being said…
> Are not
>     \relative f'
> and
>     \fixed c'''
> just "feature requests for laziness with resulting opaqueness"?  ;)



We (well… modulo me LOL) don’t get this worked up about how \relative makes
> cut-and-paste a nightmare. Why start now?  ;)

Some lilypond users get vaccinated against \relative issues and they are
using it without any problem (it's not my case). So looks pretty clear you
can live and get profit from \relative.

Personally I really don't like \relative: it always cause problems to me
but maybe there are also aesthetic reasons for my aversion.

As I previously said (few months ago) \relative is another thing that in my
opinion should be handle by the editor.

Copy and paste issues with relative is only another bad things but for me
it's not the main one.  For example I consider perfectly acceptable copy
and paste issues with Python indention because the benefits largely
outweigh the drawbacks imho.

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