On 28/05/2020 19:29, Valentin Villenave wrote:
On 5/28/20, Matt Wallis <m7...@acumen-it.co.uk> wrote:
I would like to obtain timing information to tell me at how many seconds
into the score each page begins. I have had a go at this, and failed.

If you’re trying to make videos out of LilyPond scores, here are some
links for you:

(That doesn’t answer your question, but others will certainly chime in :-)

Many thanks for the links. Some of them I have seen before, but I'm not keen on a solution that requires patching lilypond. The others, I will look into.

Yes- as you suspected, I want to make videos. My initial needs are very basic - just to display each page at the correct time. I currently get the timings from a simple script that plays the audio, and I press 'enter' each time the page of the score changes, to record the timing. But I want to automate this. With that timing data alone, I can produce very basic videos that meet my (initial) requirements.

The output from event-listener is so close. I just need to get it to listen to the appropriate events ... if that is possible.

Maybe I'll want to colour notes too at some point :-) Perhaps those links will answer the next question: Can I dump out from lilypond the following information for each note:

note start time;
note duration;
co-ordinates of the centre of the note on the PNG created by lilypond

I think that's all the data needed from lilypond in order to create a quite nice video with note highlighting.

How difficult can that be? :-) Is it the case that this can't be triggered neatly from a note event, because when the note event is received, the engravers have not yet decided where on the score that note should be put?


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