Is there somebody already working on a proper 64-bit compile of LilyPond for 
the new Mac OS X 10.15.4 "Catalina" version?

As an end-user now (but with more than 25 years of software experience, a lot 
of mainframe and Unix hours spend in systems programming, now retired), I liked 
the Apple "old style" for install and usage, that is: just copy the .app file 
from a .dmg to a location you like. Although nowadays the job to set up a 
complete virtual machine or yet another development copy is quite easy, that 
still feels overdone to me. And I know from the past a seemingly simple compile 
is often not always a straightforward task.

I could e.g. contribute in donating CPU-cycles. Or is there a better way to do 

Sponsore a compile by someone who is experienced in doing this? Who to address?


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