Hi Michael,

Looks like LilyPond prints both lv ties, but they end up at exactly the
same spot. The ^ and _ prefixes let you specify direction for most
anything, including \laissezVibrer, so you could do this to separate them:

\new Staff {
      d,4 ^\laissezVibrer ^\markup{ 0.0 }
    \new Voice {
      \voiceTwo d,4 \laissezVibrer

Hope this helps,

On Wed, Jun 3, 2020 at 5:14 PM Michael Winter via LilyPond user discussion <
lilypond-user@gnu.org> wrote:

> It seems that when a notehead is merged in two voices no matter what you
> do you, lilypond only adds on lv tie. Is there a way to force 2 lv ties?
> <<{ d,4\laissezVibrer ^ \markup{ 0.0 }  } \new Voice { \voiceTwo
> d,4\laissezVibrer  }>>
> Thanks in advance.
> -Michael

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