
I have a problem obtaining the correct font for TextScripts. When I type
the following command:

c4^\markup \italic "legato"

it shows up all right in Frescobaldi but the svg file does not produce the
correct font. Indeed, the source-code of the svg file only states "serif"
as font. When I specify an explicit font in the voice context like this:

\context {
    \override TextScript.font-name = #"Times New Roman"

the text is no longer in italic, even though I left the markup line
unchanged. The svg file states:
font-family="Times New"
so it seems the "Roman" is stripped away and the font is not recognized.
There is also no tag that the font-style should be italic.
The font is installed on my computer and it actually shows up correctly in
the auto-completion pop-up so that can't be the problem. It might be a bug,
but it's more likely just me doing something wrong. I'm using version
2.20.0. Any help is appreciated.

Aberforth D

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