
2020-08-27 10:48 UTC+02:00, Alasdair McAndrew <amc...@gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> I don't know if this is possible in Lilypond, so I'm asking the experts...
> In a bar of 3/4 time I might have, say: c4. c8 c4 - a very standard
> rhythm.  I remember once that in a score-writing system I used years ago,
> this could be abbreviated as c>c c.  I know that < > are used in Lilypond
> for chords - but is some other similar abbreviation possible?

You can define a variable

patOne = \relative c' { c4. c8 c4 }

then refer to it: \patOne


> Thanks,
> Alasdair
> --
> https://numbersandshapes.net

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