Thanks for another suggestion. I’m not so sure whether rotating the parentheses 
would improve the legibility or not, however. I understand that people have 
different preferences. What I had in mind was Vivaldi’s urtext edition 
published by Ricordi, in which the editorial slurs are enclosed by parentheses 
but the parentheses are not rotated.


> 2020/09/12 21:27、Werner LEMBERG <>のメール:
>>> Is there an easy way to have a slur enclosed by parentheses or
>>> brackets? Some urtext editions use parenthesized slurs to indicate
>>> editorial additions.
>> \parenthesize does not currently handle spanners, so you would need to
>> do some manual work.
>> Consider: [...]
> Here is a slightly improved version with rotated parentheses.  There's
> certainly room for more improvements...
>    Werner
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> \version "2.20.0"
> parenthesizeSlur =
>   -\tweak stencil
>   #(lambda (grob)
>     (let* ((cp (ly:grob-property grob 'control-points))
>            (lp (grob-interpret-markup grob (markup #:fontsize -7 "(")))
>            (rp (grob-interpret-markup grob (markup #:fontsize -7 ")")))
>            (cp1 (first cp))
>            (cp2 (second cp))
>            (cpn-1 (list-ref cp (- (length cp) 2)))
>            (cpn (last cp))
>            (langle (/ (atan (- (cdr cp2) (cdr cp1))
>                             (- (car cp2) (car cp1))) PI-OVER-180))
>            (rangle (/ (atan (- (cdr cpn) (cdr cpn-1))
>                             (- (car cpn) (car cpn-1))) PI-OVER-180)))
>       (set! lp (ly:stencil-aligned-to lp Y CENTER))
>       (set! lp (ly:stencil-aligned-to lp X 0.5))
>       (set! lp (ly:stencil-translate lp (first cp)))
>       (set! rp (ly:stencil-aligned-to rp Y CENTER))
>       (set! rp (ly:stencil-aligned-to rp X -0.5))
>       (set! rp (ly:stencil-translate rp cpn))
>       (list-set! cp 0
>         (cons (cdr (ly:stencil-extent lp X))
>               (cdr cp1)))
>       (set! lp (ly:stencil-rotate lp langle 0 0))
>       (list-set! cp (1- (length cp))
>         (cons (car (ly:stencil-extent rp X))
>               (cdr cpn)))
>       (set! rp (ly:stencil-rotate rp rangle 0 0))
>       (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'control-points cp)
>       (apply ly:stencil-add (list lp rp
>         (ly:slur::print grob)))))
>   \etc
> { g'4\parenthesizeSlur (
>      \parenthesizeSlur \( b' c''2 ) |
>   g'2\parenthesizeSlur ( f'4 e' ) \) }
> <parenslur.png>

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