I would be a happy man if the notorious Issue 34 could be resolved. I
spend a lot of time having to put grace note spacers in complex scores
to get the vertical alignment working. Each one I do, I wish I knew
enough about lilypond internals to contribute a fix. It's not clear to
me why this one is so immensely difficult to solve, but I trust the
developers that it's a real doozy.


Even when you are not knowledgeable enough to contribute in advanced areas,
undertaking tasks that require less skills helps other developers focus on
the most difficult challenges, as mentioned at
(I think an earlier version of this text pointed to issue 34, precisely).

Get me right: maintaining openLilyLib for example is of great value.

FWIW, MuseScore seems to get this right. Perhaps its corresponding part of the code (wherever it might hide) could serve as inspiration for a fix for Lilypond? —Please excuse my ignorance if this is technically nonsense! :-).

Apart from the fact that LilyPond's and MuseScore's inner workings
have nothing in common, it seems that MuseScore merely aligns grace
notes at the right of regular notes, without a notion of synchronization
of grace timing across voices and staves. LilyPond has one, hence the
increased complexity of the problem (see screenshots attached to understand).

I think the engines are completely different, but at least it shows that other programs can do it. Not that this means anything.

Actually it would be interesting to hear from the advanced developers exactly why, in a nutshell, this presents apparently insurmountable difficulties. That may help me reconcile myself to it!


I am no advanced developer, but I remember this thread:




There is also a bit of brainstorming between Reinhold and David in the issue.
I think Reinhold explained the problem well:



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