On 2020-11-21 7:14 am, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Hi Phil,

I don’t think that solves the OP’s problem, as I understand it to be…
I think the OP wants a compressed visual representation of a whole
bunch of 4/4+3/4 two-measure chunks, without actually seeing them
written out.

Of course, I might be wrong!  =)

Compound meter, perhaps?

\version "2.20.0"

\compressMMRests <<
  \new Staff {
    \compoundMeter #'(4 3 4)
    \repeat unfold 2
    { a'4 4 b'2 a'4 b'2 }
  \new Staff {
    \repeat unfold 2
    { b'2 2 a'4 4 4 }


-- Aaron Hill

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