I'm afraid I'm going to get keelhauled for this. But is there a link/site where I can download 2.18.2 for win10. I've never understood after getting really comfortable with this version all the changes that make it to me incomprehensible and with a new computer (today) need to get lily onto this computer. I use the software daily, I like what it can do in this version, almost nothing the group needs or requests do I any longer need/ or understand (sometimes I've missed a method and ask but usually/daily do not). So if someone could kindly direct me to this old version I'd be very appreciative.

Thank you Sound & Silence POB 4833 Seattle, Wa 98194 206-328-7694

I am looking for 2-3 dancers various abilities/disciplines for a piece
Called The Box it was scheduled for November  but we know how that has
gone. However I am interested in making videos of the moves and having
dancers work on them and the music before we can get into the same
room....... Paid rehearsals and the door divided evenly by participants.
Spread the word please.

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