Hi, David
I am not interested in the 'mainstream' or in what 'everybody else is
I am interested in *new* *Music notation* and *new* *keyboard instruments*
(alternative and improvements of the piano: J. Trotter, T. Dreschke, P.
Jankó, etc.).
I know very little about accordions. Kravtsov seems to be doing something
interesting, at least it is different.

Of course "best match" is not just hollow word, otherwise piano would not
have been divided into black and white keys.
The white keys are simply a "best much" to a natural major/minor scale and
modes. Also "accidentals" denote certain deviations from that reference
"match" scale.
Is it necessary... I think it is not. People do not compose strictly
diatonic music (in some genres, maybe yes, but that is subjective
preference of style).

I do not know what you mean by Western music, but certainly there is
"western" music with "accidentals".

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