From: lilypond-user <> 
on behalf of Robert Gaebler <>
Date: Wednesday, June 30, 2021 at 4:35 PM
To: "" <>
Subject: occasional ragged-right lines in the interior of mostly 
non-ragged-right score

I am working on a couple of pieces  where I am using a non-ragged right edge 
for the systems.  However I would like to end each of the three or four themes 
in a piece with a ragged right edge on the last system of a theme.
I understand to set ragged-right = ##f to get an even (all aligned) right hand 
edge, and set ragged-right=##t to get a ragged right edge.  However this 
setting affects the entire score.  I would like to make occasional exceptions 
here and there in the score.
Any suggestions?

You can put each theme in a separate score:


   \version “2.20”
      ragged-last = ##t
  \markup {Theme 1}
  \score {
    \repeat unfold 37 {c'4 c'4 c'4 c'4}
  \markup{Theme 2}
   \score {
    \repeat unfold 37 {c'4 c'4 c'4 c'4}


You can also use titles or markups to label the themes.  Look at



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