I had problems with a basic ly file.  It looks like the program is
trying to open /dev/null and that doesn't work on a windows machine.

>lilypond --pdf -dbackend=cairo bach_first_lesson_minuet.ly
GNU LilyPond 2.23.4
Processing `bach_first_lesson_minuet.ly'
Interpreting music...[8][16][24][32][40]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Interpreting music...
MIDI output to `bach_first_lesson_minuet.mid'...
Finding the ideal number of pages...
Fitting music on 1 page...
Drawing systems...C:/Program Files
In procedure open-file in expression (open-file "/dev/null" "w"):
C:/Program Files
No such file or directory: "/dev/null"

Also, just a note, my windows system tried everything it could not to
let me download and run the LilyPond file.  Google Drive, Google
Chrome, Windows, and Norton all tried to stop the process.

Knute Snortum

On Wed, Jul 14, 2021 at 6:48 AM Knut Petersen <knup...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Harm,
> I'm on Ubuntu 64-bit 20.04 and used your lilypond-2.23.4-1.linux-64.sh
> with the attached file.
> I got:
> $ lilypond -dbackend=cairo filename_名字♯.ly
> GNU LilyPond 2.23.4
> Processing `filename_名字♯.ly'
> Parsing...
> Finding the ideal number of pages...
> Fitting music on 1 page...
> Drawing systems...
> Generating filename_名字♯.cairo.pdf ...lilypond:
> /home/gub/gub/target/linux-64/src/lilypond-localhost--lilypond.git-tmp-gubllt-test/lily/lily-guile.cc:126:
> std::string ly_scm2string(SCM): Assertion `scm_is_string (str)'
> failed.
> Aborted (core dumped)
> Does the file hit some of the mentioned limitations?
> Surprisingly an empty pdf "filename_名字♯.cairo.pdf" is generated.
> Please retest with
> bin/lilypond -l DEBUG -dbackend=cairo filename_名字♯.ly  &> trace
> and send the trace file.
> Unfortunately your file compiles fine on my system:
> Musik wird auf eine Seite angepasst...
> Systeme erstellen...
> set-paper-width:          595.275591
> set-paper-height:         841.889764
> set-lily-output-units:    2.834646, sf: 0.000000
> set-output-scale:         1.757299 sf: 4.981320
> Generating filename_名字♯.cairo.pdf ...
> cairo-use-font: name: C059-Roman, file: 
> /home/lilytest/lilypond/usr/share/lilypond/current/fonts/otf/C059-Roman.otf, 
> index: 0
>   inserted font C059-Roman loaded from 
> /home/lilytest/lilypond/usr/share/lilypond/current/fonts/otf/C059-Roman.otf 
> in fontmap
> cairo-use-font: name: Sazanami-Mincho-Regular, file: 
> /usr/share/fonts/truetype/sazanami-mincho.ttf, index: 0
>   inserted font Sazanami-Mincho-Regular loaded from 
> /usr/share/fonts/truetype/sazanami-mincho.ttf in fontmap
> cairo-use-font: name: DejaVuSerif, file: 
> /usr/share/fonts/truetype/DejaVuSerif.ttf, index: 0
>   inserted font DejaVuSerif loaded from 
> /usr/share/fonts/truetype/DejaVuSerif.ttf in fontmap
> moveto x: 5.690551 y: -5.689014
> print_glyphs font: C059-Roman, size: 3.865234375000, glyph count: 40
> moveto x: 45.760214 y: -5.689014
> print_glyphs font: C059-Roman, size: 3.865234375000, glyph count: 2
> moveto x: 47.760090 y: -5.689014
> print_glyphs font: C059-Roman, size: 3.865234375000, glyph count: 5
> moveto x: 56.759343 y: -5.689014
> print_glyphs font: C059-Roman, size: 3.865234375000, glyph count: 15
> moveto x: 89.863772 y: -5.689014
> print_glyphs font: C059-Roman, size: 3.865234375000, glyph count: 2
> moveto x: 89.249192 y: -5.689014
> print_glyphs font: C059-Roman, size: 3.865234375000, glyph count: 1
> moveto x: 88.190750 y: -5.689014
> print_glyphs font: DejaVuSerif, size: 3.865234375000, glyph count: 1
> moveto x: 83.820406 y: -5.689014
> print_glyphs font: Sazanami-Mincho-Regular, size: 3.865234375000, glyph 
> count: 2
> moveto x: 74.021277 y: -5.689014
> print_glyphs font: C059-Roman, size: 3.865234375000, glyph count: 8
> moveto x: 31.684989 y: -165.117033
> url-link rect=[ 157.832031 824.881102 279.609449 -10.544882 ] 
> uri='https://lilypond.org/'
> moveto x: 31.684989 y: -165.117033
> print_glyphs font: C059-Roman, size: 3.865234375000, glyph count: 51
> showpage
> CAIRO: Finished Pdf, cairo surface and context destroyed.
> Paper_outputter elapsed time: 0.00 seconds]gc time taken: 0.08
> If possible send also the fonts used on your system.
> Knut
\version "2.18.2"
\language "english"
\header {
  title = "Minuet"
  composer = "J. S. Bach"

repeatOneTreble = \relative c'' {
  \clef treble
  \key g \major
  \time 3/4

  g8\f( b d-3 g a, fs'-4 | g4-.) g,\staccato g\staccato 
  g8( b d g a, fs' | g4\staccato) g,\staccato g\staccato 
  e'4 e e8 g | d4 d d8 g | c,4 d8 c b c | a2. 
  g8 b d g a, fs' | g4 g, g | g8 b d g a, fs' | g4 g, g 
  e'4 d8 c b a | d4 c8 b a g | \tuplet 3/2 { a8 b c } d,4 fs | g2.

repeatOneBass = \relative c' {
  \clef bass
  \key g \major
  \time 3/4

  g2 d4-2 | g,8( b-4 d g d b | g2) d'4 | g,8( b d g d b
  c4) g' c, | b4 g' b, | a4 fs' g | d8 e fs d e fs
  g2 d4 | g,8 b d g d b | g2 d'4 | g,8 b d g d b
  c4 d g | b,4 e g | c,2 d4 | g4 d g,

repeatTwoTreble = \relative c'' {
  \clef treble

  g8\p a b a g fs | g4 e e | g'8 fs e g fs e | fs4 b, b
  g'8 fs e g fs e | fs4 b, e
  \tuplet 3/2 { fs8 g a } b,4 ds | e4 ds8 e fs4
  g4 g8 fs e d | e4 e8 d c b | c4 c8 b a g | fs4 e8 fs d4
  a'4\cresc d, d | b'4 d, d | c'4 d8 c b c | a2.
  g8\f b d g a, fs' | g4 g, g | g8 b d g a, fs' | g4 g, g 
  e'4 d8 c b a | d4 c8 b a g | a8 b d,4 fs | g2.

repeatTwoBass = \relative c {
  \clef bass
  e4 ds b | e4 b e, | e'4 g b | b,8 ds fs b fs ds 
  e4 g b | b,4 a' g | a4 b b, | e2.
  b4 d g | c,4 d e | a,4 b c | d4 a d,
  fs'8 d fs d fs d | g8 d g d g d | fs4 d g | d8 e fs d e fs
  g2 d4 | g,8 b d g d b | g2 d'4 | g,8 b d g d b
  c4 e g | b,4 d g | c,2 d4 | g4 d g,

upper = {
  \tempo 2. = 69
  \mark "Animato"
  \repeat volta 2 \repeatOneTreble
  \repeat volta 2 \repeatTwoTreble

lower = {
  \repeat volta 2 \repeatOneBass
  \repeat volta 2 \repeatTwoBass

\score {
  \new PianoStaff <<
    \new Staff = "upper" \upper
    \new Staff = "lower" \lower
  \layout { }
  \midi { }

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