On Sun, Aug 1, 2021 at 2:29 AM Thomas Morley <thomasmorle...@gmail.com>

> I'd simply drop your overrides for Accidental.Y-extent and
> Accidental.X-extent.
> Let the skylines do their job as already proposed by Jean.

I should have answered you first. That seems to solve everything! At least
on the demo example, I'll start rerendering all my persian scores and hope
for the best. Also nice to get rid of all those hardcoded offsets.

Jean: Ignore my previous email I think I misunderstood you and merged your
two sample codes which was not intended I guess.

> Furthermore I'd replace the override for Accidental.extra-offset by:
>     \override Accidental.Y-offset =
>       #(lambda (grob)
>           (cdr
>             (assoc-get
>               (ly:grob-property grob 'alteration)
>               persianStringsOffsets)))
> Though, why do you use pairs in persianStringsOffsets? Iiuc, you only
> use the cdr of each pair.

Not sure I understand.  persianStringsOffsets is an assoc table with car
the key and cdr the pair to use?
My Scheme is a bit rusty, I once wrote a Scheme interpreter in Scheme but
that was 30 years ago.

Thanks for all the help.


> Cheers,
>   Harm

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