Hi Jackens,

> I'm trying to find a way to write an arpeggio up and down, like on the 
> picture, but no luck so far, the Lilypond manual only deals with one arpeggio 
> line cases... Any help would be very appreciated!

Here’s a start:

% LilyBin

updownArpMarkup =
\markup \concat {
  \override #'(baseline-skip . 1) \column {
    \musicglyph #"scripts.arpeggio.arrow.1"
    \musicglyph #"scripts.arpeggio"
    \musicglyph #"scripts.arpeggio"
    \musicglyph #"scripts.arpeggio"
  \hspace #0.625
  \lower #0.25 \override #'(baseline-skip . 1) \column {
    \musicglyph #"scripts.arpeggio"
    \musicglyph #"scripts.arpeggio"
    \musicglyph #"scripts.arpeggio"
    \musicglyph #"scripts.arpeggio.arrow.M1"
updownArp =
        -\tweak Arpeggio.stencil #ly:text-interface::print
        -\tweak Arpeggio.text \markup \updownArpMarkup
        -\tweak Arpeggio.direction #1
        -\tweak Arpeggio.padding #0.625

                <c' e' g' c''>1-\arpeggio
                <c' e' g' c''>1-\updownArp
                <g e' c'' g''>1-\updownArp

The problem (shown in the third example) is that it doesn’t stretch to match 
the chord height, like a normal arpeggio does. I don’t have time — and maybe 
not even the skill — to do this The Right Way™ right now, but hopefully Someone 
Else™ will take it to the goal line.


Kieren MacMillan, composer (he/him/his)
‣ website: www.kierenmacmillan.info
‣ email: kie...@kierenmacmillan.info

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