What browser are you using? Rejecting a page without SSL is somewhat stupid. 
For many webpages the only benefit of SSL is that you have a certificate that 
the content is correct. While certainly it would be possible to do some 
man-in-the-middle attack tricking you into having Lilypond into executing 
arbitrary scheme code it is still safe to say that most likely SSL does not 
matter for Lilypond. But SSL is not free, it requires a bit of computation 
power. Google even once redirectes https to http because the load was too high. 
So if any webpage uses SSL the internet would suddenly require noticably more 


02.11.2021 21:08:57 Kevin Cole <dc.l...@gmail.com>:

> On Tue, Nov 2, 2021 at 3:55 PM Hans Aikema <hans.aik...@aikebah.net> wrote:
> Refering to the search box that IS already using https when you opted to 
> browse the website using https?
> I consider it perfectly fine that the website offers an http search option 
> when browsing the site with http, considering that it doesn't concern any 
> privacy sensitive information.
> You should teach manners to your webbrowser.
> lilypond.org is the only site I've encountered that appears to have
> this problem. Once in a while for other sites I encounter an expired
> certificate, but that problem usually goes away in a day or two after
> they get around to renewing their certificate(s). With lilypond.org,
> it seems that it's always a crap shoot as to whether or not I'll get
> the complaint from the browser. Since the problem seemed unique to
> lilypond.org, I didn't consider it to be a browser problem.  (Maybe
> it's simply that the vast cache of Google, Duck-Duck-Go, et al, is
> constantly offering up the "http" version as a starting point or some
> such, as the first match...)

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