Thanks! Mille merci, Jean, I will try it after implementing the corrections
from Thomas Morley letter.
Will keep in touch with you.


*Леонід - Leonid*

On Sun, Nov 21, 2021 at 5:59 AM Jean Abou Samra <> wrote:

> Hi Leonid,
> Regarding your last request:
> Le 20/11/2021 à 03:17, Leonid Hrabovsky a écrit :
> >
> > 3) I see (=guess) that tweaking with numerical data of the
> > /squiggleLine/ (in order to enlarge it strictly proportionally when
> > preserving its angles and/or curvatures) will create the two types of
> > horizontal lines I need. But I also need the third line that shall
> > look like a tight chain of repeated organ pedal symbols (the arches).
> > So is there a way of building such a line? Maybe by building a small
> > semicircle and then multiplying it as a variable?
> Do you mean something like this?
> \version "2.22.1"
> #(define-markup-command (draw-horizontal-arches layout props len) (number?)
>     #:properties ((thickness 0.1)
>                   (arch-length 5)
>                   (arch-height 1.5)
>                   (angularity 0.2)
>                   path-markup)
>     (interpret-markup
>      layout
>      props
>      (make-path-markup
>       thickness
>       (let loop ((x-pos 0.0)
>                  (path-acc '()))
>         (if (> x-pos len)
>             (reverse! path-acc)
>             (loop (+ x-pos arch-length)
>                   (cons
>                     `(rcurveto ,(* 1/2 angularity arch-length)
>                                ,(- arch-height)
>                                ,(- arch-length (* 1/2 angularity
> arch-length))
>                                ,(- arch-height)
>                                ,arch-length
>                                0)
>                     path-acc)))))))
> \markup \draw-horizontal-arches #20
> \markup \override #'((thickness . 0.2)
>                       (arch-length . 10)
>                       (arch-height . 3)
>                       (angularity . 0.8))
> \draw-horizontal-arches #20
> Best regards,
> Jean

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