David Zelinsky <dzp...@dedekind.net> writes:

> Tom Sgouros <tomf...@as220.org> writes:
>> For those of us just catching up, can someone explain how to see the
>> metadata? I guess this is more of a PDF question, but while I have some
>> experts' attention...
>> Thank you,
>>  -Tom
> I can only tell you about evince, the pdf reader I use.  But I expect it
> should be the same in most pdf readers.
> If you hover the mouse pointer over a notehead, it displays the URI that
> will be looked up when you click there.  It will look like this:
> where <PATH-TO-SOURCE-FILE> is the absolute path to the lilypond source
> file, and <START-COLUMN> and <END-COLUMN> are the starting and ending
> positions of the text defining the note in question.
> -David

Sorry, I meant to say also that <LINE> is the line number in the source
file where the note definition appears.

In evince on my Ubuntu system, clicking on the note elicits an error,
because evince does not know what to do with a "textedit:..." link.
Section 4.1 of the Usage Manual (under 4. External Programs) explains
how to make it work.


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