Le 02/01/2022 à 17:01, Knute Snortum a écrit :
On Sun, Jan 2, 2022 at 7:10 AM Jean Abou Samra <j...@abou-samra.fr> wrote:
It will be necessary to keep an uncolored version for men (in
principle women do not have this problem) who do not see well certain

This is taken care of -- the colors have been
chosen to have enough contrast to the white
background to be readable even for those
with impaired vision. Since I am not such a
person, I have been checking the scheme against
WCAG recommendations. The color with least
contrast has 6.15, which is quite a bit
above the WCAG AA level of 4.5. This means that
even someone not discerning colors at all
can read such highlighted code.
I am colorblind (which BTW means that it's hard to distinguish certain
colors, not that everything is gray).

Sorry if I gave a wrong impression. I didn't
mean that everything actually looked gray, just
that it was the extreme imaginary case encompassing
all types of colorblindness (I think there are
different ones, right?).

I can't see a difference
between the blue and the purple, but this doesn't cause a problem for
me -- I just miss some of the highlighting, which is unavoidable.  The
bold terms jump out at me, but the coloration seems reasonable.  All
in all, the scheme seems reasonable to me.

Thanks for the input! That's reassuring.

Best regards,

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