I'm pretty sure text fonts on Windows are kaput. Some work, some don't. The fonts I'd like to use show up as installed properly in Settings and work in all other apps I've tried, but not Lilypond. I'm on Windows 11, but I've also tried on Windows 10.

I have installed quite a few fonts on my Windows 10 System. All of them work w/o any noticeable problem. A few weeks ago I upgraded to Windows 11 and triggered by the above claim retried a couple of lilypond scores using various fonts.

All of them work w/o me noticing any problems.

I therefor think your above claim "text fonts on Windows are kaput" is at least partly wrong.

Have you installed your fonts system wide? [you need administrative rights to do so; upon installing fonts Windows usually asks you where you want them installed - system wide/for all users or just the current user]
Could you provide a minimal example showing what is not working?

Kind regards,
 Michael Gerdau       email: m...@qata.de
 GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver

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