Hi David,

> What version control system are you using for your score?  It will
> probably easiest to look at the source code diffs and do a manual
> summary from those.

The problem is that during various stages of composition / arranging / 
engraving / coding:
   1. there can be huge differences in code that represent only a few small 
differences in notated output;
   2. there can be very small differences in code that represent many/large 
differences in notated output; and
   3. there can be many, many small changes in code (cleanup, variable-izing, 
moving tweaks to/from the edition-engraver, file splitting, etc.) that 
literally have *no* effect on the notated output.

Especially in the third case, combing through all those changes to manually 
summarize changes worth noting to others would be time-consuming and 
error-prone. If my process were more luxurious, I'd do a "'notable changes' 
only" pass, manually summarize the diff(s), and then do the other code work in 
a separate pass — the issue is that the timeline of a workshop doesn't grant me 
that luxury, so I was hoping there was an automagic way of figuring out exactly 
and only those things that needed to be communicated to the MD/performers in 
any given score update.


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