On 2/14/22 11:57, Francesco Napoleoni wrote:
In data lunedì 14 febbraio 2022 00:19:11 CET, Joel C. Salomon ha scritto:
I wonder whether you’re using the wrong symbol, and using the correct
one might help a little.  Your code is using the degree sign “°” U+B0,
when by context this should probably be the masculine ordinal indicator
“º” U+BA.

Yes, I know that there are more appropriate symbols, but I have to conform as
much as possible to the original layout, which uses superscript “o”
everywhere. Indeed this makes sense since the little “o” is the last letter of
every abbreviated word: “Violin_o_ prim_o_” and “Violin_o_ second_o_”, so I
ended up writing something like this (inside \markup):

\concat { "V." \hspace #-0.4 \normal-size-super o "I." \hspace #-0.6 \normal-
size-super o }

which produces an output very similar to the original.

Of course, what it means to “conform as much as possible to the original layout” is the question at hand. If purely visual, your code is correct; if purely semantic, “vº1º”/“vº2º” is correct (however the font displays that); if both together, then a font with appropriate letter and numeral forms is needed.


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