On 2022-02-25 17:07, Knute Snortum wrote:
I'm having a problem with the ossia of a fairly convoluted two
measures (because Chopin played fast and loose with the rhythm).  The
broken beam extends a little too far into the next measure.

I've attached a picture of the ossia as I want it, with context (I
don't care about the dashed lines), the ossia as I have it now, a MWE
that produces that ossia, and a not-minimal example that provides
context for why the measure is written so strangely.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Knute Snortum

How about

ossiaPart = \relative {
  s4. \startStaff
      \magnifyMusic 0.63 { \slashFlag as8*1/32\noBeam^\ossia
        as16*1/16[ cs fs] } as16. b32*1/2 | \stopStaff s8
    { \forceHShiftF as,8*15/16 [  \hideNotes b8] }
  s4. |


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