Hello everyone,
Can I have some help making a repeat sign that looks like the image attached?
I figured out how to reduce the height of the bar lines, but I am unable to 
properly change the dots to diamonds. Right now, I have adapted the code from 
LSR 913<https://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=913> by changing the dots.dot glyph 
to noteheads.s2neomensural. The only issue with this is that it changes all of 
the repeat dots throughout the score, and I am looking for a function that 
works like \once \override. I have attached a snippet showing the work I have 
done so far.
If you know a better way to do this, please let me know!

Thank you,

Calvin Ransom

Attachment: Repeat.ly
Description: Repeat.ly

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