Hi everyone,

I'm trying to figure out if I can change system-system-spacing by
score, that is, in the \layout block.  I have a collection of scores
(preludes) where the global \paper settings work fine for some, but I
have a score that needs its own system-system-spacing values.  My
question is very similar to this post [1] but as far as I can see, it
was not replied to.

There is a snippet [2] that suggests that you can put
system-system-spacing values in a \layout block, but I haven't been
able to get this to work.  Can you do this, or is there another way to
deal with this?

Here is my MWE:

\version "2.23.9"

\paper {
  % This works
  % system-system-spacing.padding = 30

\score {
  \new PianoStaff <<
    \new Staff { \repeat unfold 16 c'4 \break \repeat unfold 16 c'4 }
    \new Staff { \clef bass \repeat unfold 16 c4 \break \repeat unfold 16 c4 }
  \layout {
    % Doesn't work, although it's written in this snippet:
    system-system-spacing.padding = 30

[1] https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2017-03/msg00550.html

Knute Snortum

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