On Tue, May 31, 2022 at 10:02 AM Damian leGassick
<damianlegass...@mac.com> wrote:

> fwiw I was never able to get Lyx’s native Lilypond mode working reliably. The 
> manual was, and remains completely unhelpful.

Thanks! Knowing that the manual is unhelpful is really helpful. ;-)
Not to mention knowing that LyX's native LilyPond mode is sketchy.

> That said, it is a good environment for embedding multiple Lilypond generated 
> pdf/eps in a structured text document, because any changes in those pdf/eps 
> files are picked up automatically without having to reimport them (cf MS 
> Word) or even refresh Lyx - they just change.

Okay. I can [he says prematurely and optimistically] work with that.

> I’ve typeset a long complex analytical doctoral thesis and several 
> harmony/analysis workbooks like this and it works really well.

As a rank amateur (sometimes very rank) merely attempting to replicate
what I see on paper with a less-than-complete understanding of what
I'm looking at, my needs are, I think, considerably more modest. (I'm
doing it more for preservation, and the benefit of my friends who
actually do read music. They'll be able to either put it on the
electronic device of their choice, or print out better-looking copies.
Then, I then follow them, playing by ear.)

> be aware that multi-page lilypond scores need to be imported into Lyx one 
> page at a time - it will not ‘flow’ a score between multiple boxes.

Also an "important safety tip" that I can work with. (I've got Linux
applications that burst multiple pages into individual files.)

> My sense is also that for smaller documents, learning Lyx is actually more 
> work than just learning lilypond-book as tweaks outside of what Lyx provides 
> (and there could be many) require you to know your way around normal ()TeX.

Uh-oh. That's a bit worrisome, since I was stymied by lilypond-book
alone... Since you're the only person so far who seems to have spent
time with LyX, I'll take that under serious advisement...

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