Le 2022-08-01 20:08, Eef Weenink a écrit :
I could solve my issue with the workaround:

\displayLilyMusic { \viola }

Yes. arranger.ly uses display-lily-music which is the scheme version of \displayLilyMusic but has an additionnal parameter : the port which can be a file
#(let ((port (open-file ....)))
   (display-lily-music viola port)
   (close-port port))
display-lily-music makes a line break when the music has a BarCheck |
arranger.ly adds a BarCheck after each bars, being careful however, not to cut for example a multiMeasureRest R1*8 into R1 | R1 | R1 | R1 | R1 | R1 | R1 | R1 )


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