On 31-May-05, at 7:53 PM, Aaron Mehl wrote:
I think we use "should be" and "must" fairly
  As a techwriter/user this confuses me. should be is
a much weaker expression, like it doesn't have to but
if you want.. must says that it is a requirement to
have on of these.

I really don't think it makes a big difference.  If you want to
submit a patch that changes all "should be"s to "must"s,
I won't complain.

then it says:
"A .ly file contains any number of toplevel
expressions, where a toplevel expression is one of

You mean to say that if I write a lilypond file
with a header and a'4 it will parse? I am trying here
to clarify what the intent of the documentation is
here, not be picky per se.

No, because:
is not a top-level expression.  This
{ a'4 }
is an expression; if it occurs at the top-level then it'd be
a top-level expression.

A user doesn't want to know what he may or should do,
but what he needs to get this up and running. What I

That's what the tutorial is for.  I still don't understand what
the difficulty is.

mean is beating around the bush doesn't help. If this
is a page detailing lilypond file structure it should
do that specifically not with shoulds and mights. If
there are different possiblilies they need to be laid

...  so we should just change all "shoulds" to "must" on that
doc page?  I really don't think that makes a big difference.  I only
see two "should"s, anyway.

I'm not adverse to replacing that section of the docs.  A few
people have asked for more formal definitions of lilypond input
syntax.  If you wrote such a page, it could help some new users.

- Graham

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