On 11/11/22 08:33, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
Le 11/11/2022 à 03:37, David Kastrup a écrit :
I think we should avoid piling on arbitrary stuff without clear need for
expressing music into the LilyPond grammar.

Personally, I find it striking that the *only* two LilyPond
libraries I am hearing about regularly on mailing lists,
edition-engraver and arranger.ly, are both about
inserting / replacing music in a score at a certain
point in time, although with different purposes
(tweaking vs. arranging) and with different authors,
implementations and users. To me, that means it would
be good to integrate generic tools inspired by them
into LilyPond proper. Now, in both of these, you
specify a position by its timing at every fragment
of music you insert, so this sort of syntax would make
them quite more convenient to use.

But if that can be done from a Scheme function, it’s probably sufficient; no need to tamper with Lilypond grammar.

To use Lucas’s example:

r8 es2.-8 f2 ges8~
8 as2.-8 8


    r8 es \duration_subtract{2.}{8} f2 …

be made to work?  (With whatever syntax.)

Similarly, I have music that would benefit from:

    dyn_part = {
      % \p at start, \f at third bar, \p at second-to last bar
      \after 1*2 \f
      \after \duration_subtract {\skip \mus_part} {1*2} \p
      \skip \mus_part

I think I’ll go look up arranger.ly and see whether I can adapt something.


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