On 11/21/2022 11:09 AM, Mark Knoop wrote:
It would be good to get a feel from users how much this resource isused

I have heard lots of good things about OpenLilyLib.

But I remain somewhat unclear as to what it offers and how it would be used in my usages for SATB/TTBB shape-note hymns and light choral works.

My first experience with OLL was downloading the zip folder with it, just to start poking it with sticks and see what it does. I extracted the zip, tried to use with LilyPond on Windows, and got lots of file path errors about not being able to find things or do anything.

It seemed like I could not find "a way in" to making use of it.

Asking questions on the lists and such left me feel like I was burdening the developers for it, needing "explain it like I am 5 years old" efforts when they could best serve the community by exploring and advancing the limits of LilyPond's capabilities with others who were already up to speed in the relevant areas.

I still have a dream project of using LilyPond to produce a new edition of a hymnal containing 467 songs. The Edition Engraver seems like a must-have for that.
Karlin High
Missouri, USA

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