
I am working on an opera and would like to use text in the header to help
the performers keep track of where they are in the score. So ideally, the
header on each page should say something like "Title of Opera: Act I, scene
ii", with the scene reflecting whatever the current scene is. Since there
aren't musical stops between the scenes, I would like the scenes to flow
into one another in the same \score block (so that a scene might start in
the middle of a line of music, say), which is pretty standard from the
opera scores and parts I'm used to.

Looking at the "Custom titles headers and footers" section of the 2.22.2
user manual, I can see how to create a custom header for the whole
document, but I can't figure out a way to pull information for the header
from specific moments in a \score block, or even how to pull information
for the header from a \score block when there are multiple \scores in a
given \book. Does anyone have any ideas on how to make this happen? I've
attached a minimal file that indicates the kind of headers I want over the
course of a few dummy pages. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance,
\version "2.22.2"

\header {
  dedication = \markup { \smallCaps "Title of Opera" }

\score {
  \new Staff {
    c1^"Act I, scene i starts here" |
    \repeat unfold 50 { c1 } | \pageBreak
    c1^"Header on this page should read “Title of Opera: Act I, scene i”" |
    \repeat unfold 50 { c } | \pageBreak
    c \bar "||"
    c^"Act I, scene ii starts here, header on this page should read “Title of Opera: Act I, scene ii”" |
    \repeat unfold 50 { c } |

Attachment: title-test.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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