Hi Gordon,

Am 07.01.23 um 10:00 schrieb Gordon Bower:

When I tried to recompile a piece I had written in 2.22.1 with 2.24.0, I got a mysterious error message:
"Exited with return code -1073741784."

Commenting out things until it would compile, I found the problem was specifically when articulate was applied to a music group with an accacciatura:

\version "2.24.0"
\language "deutsch"

acctest = {\time 6/8
           \relative c' {
            d8 e f g a \acciaccatura c h}}

\score {

Three questions:

a) Are you sure that is exactly the file causing the abort? (It doesn't even compile on my system if I don't add an \include for articulate.ly.)

b) Are you on Windows?

c) Does the crash happen reproducibly every time you compile the file?


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