IMO Lilypond should render musical Unicode characters using the same font
as the music itself, and the default size/alignment of the glyphs within
text markup should not require adjustment to look correct.

On Sun, Jan 15, 2023 at 4:07 AM William Rehwinkel <> wrote:

> Dear Saul,
> I don't see why this would be surprising... as you said it's the
> difference of using the unicode symbol from the text font (such as
> unicode symbol for a flat) for
> an accidental and pasting in the lilypond musical font symbol for that
> accidental. You can prove this by loading a different font either for
> the serif font or musical glyph font. (Sorry for probably using wrong
> terminology here)
> In my opinion using the lilypond font accidental in a markup block is
> probably intended for other use cases, such as putting an editorial
> accidental above or below a note instead of in its usual place.
> As for how it looks, I suppose that is a matter of taste. But I would
> probably use the unicode accidental symbols if the need for writing an
> accidental in a piece of text came up in the future. You could
> definitely make the text using lilypond accidentals look right by
> changing the font size of either the text or the accidental, it's just a
> matter of the size and alignment.
> -William
> On 1/15/23 01:05, Saul Tobin wrote:
> > Surprisingly, typing the Unicode characters for accidental symbols does
> > not produce the same font output as using the markup commands:
> >
> > <<
> >    \new Staff {
> >      c'1^"B♭"
> >      c'1^"C♯"
> >      c'1^"D♮"
> >    }
> >    \new Staff {
> >      c'1^\markup { B \flat }
> >      c'1^\markup { C \sharp }
> >      c'1^\markup { D \natural }
> >    }
> >  >>
> >
> > And neither looks particularly great IMO.
> --
> + ---------------------------------------------- +
> |    William Rehwinkel - Oberlin College and     |
> |                           Conservatory '24     |
> |          |
> | PGP key:                                       |
> | |
> + ---------------------------------------------- +

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