My 2 cents:
If not fishy it at least seems like a rip off. From the FAQ: as a composer
(arranger?) you get 5c +1c/per page per download or full view with the
exception that you get nothing, when you're featured composer of the day.
Just put in relation what you would charge if you'd sell the composition
(arrangement) yourself and I think you'll have your answer.

All the best,

Stephan Schöll <> schrieb am Mo., 6. März 2023, 18:27:

> The business model Jean quoted looks like making money with subscriptions
> with the publication of scores that are otherwise free, without adding any
> value. There are many of them.
> From a user's (director, ensemble) perspective: Why should I be a paying
> member of if I find the scores on
> From a publisher's perspective: Why publishing on a second platform when
> already publishing on a very established ( one? Do you really
> want to do the double work without any benefit on your side?
> To me the offer has several smells
> * You got the request unsolicitedly. Let's assume they write to all
> publishers and make use of any other sources of email
> addresses...
> * On the German front page they write "Staatlich anerkannte Bibliothek"
> (state-approved library) as a sub-heading. What state? If you hover that
> link you get information about the subscription service, but not about some
> accreditation or alike.
> my 2 cents ;-)
> Stephan
> Am 06.03.2023 um 17:56 schrieb Jean Abou Samra:
> Le lundi 06 mars 2023 à 10:43 -0600, Guy Stalnaker a écrit :
> Hello everyone,
> Curious if anyone on this list, especially in Germany, has knowledge or
> experience with I just received an unsolicited email from
> them about my choral works on Choral Public Domain Library (
> asking me to also put my work in their system. They *seem* legit, but in
> this day and age where "seems" can obscure a cloud of issues, I though I'd
> ask this community first, knowing that many of you have far more experience
> than I have with publishing music at all levels.
> I have exactly zero experience with professional music publishing, but I
> recommend that you read their terms and conditions.
> At a glance, article 5:
> The right to use the collection of all sheet music and recordings from
> is limited to the period of membership. After terminating
> membership, the user must destroy all data files and
> printouts which are still in the user's possession. In the event that a
> user provided an ensemble with sheet music from, then the
> user is responsible to ensure the destruction of these copies
> makes me think this is not a service I would be particularly happy to use,
> personally.

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