Hi all,

I'm playing around a bit with Lilypond and I have copied some sheets I
have purchased in order to build a custom songbook. Since I play rhythmic
guitar, I have decorated the staves with chords at the top:
Now I want to place multiple scores in a single document, and I thought
about using lilypond-book. However, the singers do not need the chords,
so I would like to omit them and simply print a version of the document
with only the staves. Is it possible to do this using the SAME lilypond
source file?

I have read something about using tags, but I don't know how should I
use them in my file, which by the way is this:


\version "2.24.1"

\language "italiano"

\paper {
  % annotate-spacing = ##t
  system-system-spacing.basic-distance = #20

\header {
  title = "Ô toi l'au-delà de tout"
  composer = "Taizé"
  opus = "149"


     \set chordChanges = ##t
     \partial 8 s8 | re2.:m | re2.:m | fa4 sol2:m7 | do2:7 fa4 |
     sol1:m7 fa2 | re2:m la:7 | re:m la:7

  \relative {
    \clef "treble"
    \key re \minor
    3/4        % timeSignatureFraction
    1/8        % baseMomentFraction
    2,2,2        % beatStructure
    #'()       % beamExceptions
    4/4        % timeSignatureFraction
    1/8        % baseMomentFraction
    2,2,2,2        % beatStructure
    #'()       % beamExceptions
    \numericTimeSignature % to display 4/4 instead of C
    \time 3/4
    \partial 8 re'8\( \bar ".|:" re4 mi8 sol fa mi | re2\) fa8\( sol | la4 sib 
sib8 la | sol2\) la8\( re |
    re4 do sib8 la | sol4 la2\) | \time 4/4 la8\( re, mi fa sol4. la8 | fa4 
sol8 fa mi4.\) re8 \bar ":|."

 Ô Toi l'au -- de -- là de tout,
quel es -- prit peut Te sai -- sir?
Tous les ê -- tres Te cé -- lè -- brent,
le dé -- sir de tous a -- spi -- re vers Toi. Ô


Thanks! (and sorry for the wall-of-text)

Alessandro Bertulli

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