Le lundi 29 mai 2023 à 10:45 +0200, Lib Lists a écrit :

> Hello,
> I am trying to reproduce the notation used in Ligeti's 'Der
> Zauberlehrling' piano etude. See attached a fragment from the original
> and my attempt in Lilypond.
> Everything works fine, except that I cannot find a way to reproduce
> the proportional notation used by the original copist. It looks to me
> that the proportional spacing was made according to the stems and not
> the noteheads, because of the cross-staff notation (that's only partly
> true, as the first four notes seems to be have a slightly bigger gap
> between the second and third note, but that's a relatively minor
> detail).
> Here is my Lilypond file for the second bar of the original example.
> As you can see, I tried to use the tools for proportional notation,
> but without much success. Apologies for the long example, I thought
> this would be more helpful than a smaller one.
> Any help would be really appreciated.


\layout {
  \context {
    proportionalNotationDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1/12)
    \override SpacingSpanner.uniform-stretching = ##t

it looks quite OK, doesn't it?


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