Le mercredi 31 mai 2023 à 17:23 -0400, William Rehwinkel via LilyPond user 
discussion a écrit :

>  Dear list,  
>  I have been using the line  
>  #(ly:set-option 'embed-source-code #t)  
>  to embed the lilypond files I used in the PDF, but was wondering if there 
> was a procedure I could call to embed some other file, such as a PDF of the 
> source I used for the transcription? Sorry, looking through the docs I 
> couldn't find anything on this. I know you could also do this with the 
> finished pdf using Adobe Acrobat or something else, but would like to make 
> this happen automatically.

Since 2.23.11, you can do

#(ly:note-extra-source-file "path/to/transcription-source.pdf")


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