Mats-Olof Liljegren <> writes:

> Hello!
> I'm a beginner with Lilypond but have decent programming
> knowledge. Something I haven't managed to figure out is how to best
> organize my projects. It becomes a very long file if everything is in
> the same one, so I've tried splitting it into separate `.ly` files for
> lyrics, soprano, alto, tenor, bass, and so on. It works, but I'm
> guessing there are smarter ways to organize scores and lyrics.
> I've heard about `.ily` files, and if anyone could provide me with
> links where I can learn and understand more, I would be grateful.

.ily is just an arbitrary extension to indicate "included LilyPond
file".  The only actual difference to LilyPond is that if you call

lilypond somefilename

and somefilename does not exist, will be tried instead.

So .ily is not more than a convention.  Enough so that editors and other
utilities making decisions (like syntax highlighting) based on the file
name will tend to know what to do with .ily.

David Kastrup

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