Graham King <> writes:

> I'm trying to convert a naive Scheme function which has been broken by
> the new syntax for \note.  Some arithmetic gives me the index (in this
> MNWE, 96) to a list  of pairs, foo, from which I want to extract some
> markup.
> The 300-LOC problem seems to boil down to this:
> %~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> \version "2.25.7"
> #(define foo '((96 . #{ \markup { \note-by-number #1 #0 #UP }#})))
> { c'1^\markup {#(cdr (assoc 96 foo))} }
> %~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Please could a kind Scheme expert point out the stupid and obvious
> mistake that has eluded me for several evenings?

Uh, there isn't even \note in there?

The problem in the above is a quoting problem: you mustn't quote
#{...#}, and you can avoid quoting it using quasiquote and unquote:

\version "2.25.7"

#(define foo `((96 . ,#{ \markup { \note-by-number #1 #0 #UP }#})))

{ c'1^\markup {#(cdr (assoc 96 foo))} }

David Kastrup

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